Tag Archives: locust
Cyrus Tilton
As a semi-frequent attendee of the Oakland Art Murmur, an open-gallery art event that takes place every month, I have been lucky to be exposed to Cyrus Tilton’s works thanks to Vessel Gallery. Tilton’s sculptures are one of my favorite … Continue reading
Anton Fell, Microscopic Milliner
On Saturday June 11, 2011, about 50 artists swarmed the public streets of San Francisco, hawking their wares carried in carts, in baskets, or on their backs. Some sold real items, others bartered or even exchanged intangible goods, like stories. … Continue reading
We have met the locusts
Directly challenging the romantic notion of humanity’s ideal union with the natural world, Kate MacDowell‘s haunting and intricate porcelain sculptures are each one worthy as a symbol of our combined dependance and destruction of the world we inhabit. Her portfolio … Continue reading
Monochrome Mashups: Hillier, Ernst and Mad Meg
Though an accomplished painter and illustrator of original works, Dan Hillier has become well-known for his inventive collages sourced from Dover Pictorial Archives, with a dose of Photoshoppery. His Lovecraftian combinations of prim ladies and writhing tentacles has even … Continue reading
Hocus Locust
tumblr “permalink” tumblr Image: Working out some kinks in the wordpress image posting. There seems to be some disconnect between tumblr. What better way to do so than with some insect art? I’m glad you agree! uploaded from my computer: … Continue reading
The Insect Art of Laura Schlipf
Scratch some insect art and you find a swarm underneath. A found image of beautifully carved insect legs led me to the work of versatile artist Laura Schlipf. Being a fan of insect legs as an art theme, I hunted … Continue reading