Category Archives: event
City of Insects
I love a good insect-snack when they’re served in edgy restaurants or entomology conferences, but these are essentially leggy window-dressing, a haute cuisine curio usually consisting of a dry-roasted cricket coated in spices daringly decorating a fancy hors d’oeuvre. Sure … Continue reading
The Insect Play
Written in 1921 by the Karel and Josef Čapek, The Insect Play (Ze života hmyzu) Is a masterful fantastic farce in which an inebriated drifter, disgusted with humanity, wanders into the forest, and observes the lives of the insects around … Continue reading
Anton Fell, Microscopic Milliner
On Saturday June 11, 2011, about 50 artists swarmed the public streets of San Francisco, hawking their wares carried in carts, in baskets, or on their backs. Some sold real items, others bartered or even exchanged intangible goods, like stories. … Continue reading
Support your local Cicada Princess!
A truly multi-talented and endlessly creative local film maker, Mauricio Baiocchi, is also a good friend of mine. He’s been hard at work on a labor of serious insect love. It’s called Cicada Princess, a film about the life cycles … Continue reading
Covered in BEES pt. 2
Last Friday I visited my friend Darrel at his place in El Sobrante. His land was alive with inventive sustainable architecture, beautiful bamboo, and insects of course! In addition to getting a tour of all the species of bamboo on … Continue reading
Jo Whaley book signing April 7th at The Bone Room
If you live in the Bay Area and love insects, there is no excuse for not visiting The Bone Room in Albany. Ron and Diane Cauble have created a curiosity cabinet of undisputed excellence- a miniature natural history museum full … Continue reading