Lovely article about Tom Hardwidge‘s ammunition-and-clockwork insect creations from a recycling blog. Not only are they beautiful, he has given them their own taxonomy! Adding scientific names to anything always strikes a chord with me, so here are some of Tom’s beautified bullets:

Roborthoptera aurum, by Tom Hardwidge

Coleopteroid cruris, by Tom Hardwidge

Mecharaneae primus, by Tom Hardwidge
The insects come in classy wooden boxes with accompanying sketches and scientific data. I do wish people would retire the word “steampunk” to describe these lovely sculptures. They’re not especially Victorian, and seem to be on the whole more whimsical than science fictional. However, there is one thing I will admit they do have in common with steampunk makers- they are lovingly hand-made. May a brass insect be the fate of every ammunition housing!