Category Archives: JD
House Beautiful
For July 4th I went adventuring with friends in Mendocino, CA, where late rains have kept things green well into Summer. On a hike in Van Damme State Park, we stopped by a bridge to watch for fish, birds, and … Continue reading
Anton Fell, Microscopic Milliner
On Saturday June 11, 2011, about 50 artists swarmed the public streets of San Francisco, hawking their wares carried in carts, in baskets, or on their backs. Some sold real items, others bartered or even exchanged intangible goods, like stories. … Continue reading
Posted in art, event, JD
Tagged Aimee Baldwin, Allison Smith, antennae, Argentine Ant, Bed Bug, Cries of San Francisco, earwig, grasshopper, John Daniel, Kissing Bug, locust, Southern Exposure, Tick