Tag Archives: sculpture
The swarming paper of Kristi Malakoff
Swarms, whether fish, foul, or flies, are a constant source of wonder and fascination for humans, as well as a frustration. We lack lateral lines or instinctive reactions, and so our attempts to swarm usually result in chaotic crowds and … Continue reading
We have met the locusts
Directly challenging the romantic notion of humanity’s ideal union with the natural world, Kate MacDowell‘s haunting and intricate porcelain sculptures are each one worthy as a symbol of our combined dependance and destruction of the world we inhabit. Her portfolio … Continue reading
The Insect Art of Laura Schlipf
Scratch some insect art and you find a swarm underneath. A found image of beautifully carved insect legs led me to the work of versatile artist Laura Schlipf. Being a fan of insect legs as an art theme, I hunted … Continue reading
Arthropod Ammunition
Lovely article about Tom Hardwidge‘s ammunition-and-clockwork insect creations from a recycling blog. Not only are they beautiful, he has given them their own taxonomy! Adding scientific names to anything always strikes a chord with me, so here are some of … Continue reading
Stick Insects
I totally dig the wooden wing details in Kyle Bean’s matchstick insects. Even more enjoyable than the above photos by Owen Silverwood, fredbutlerstyle has some lovely in-progress shots of the dragonfly.
Your Mandible Expectations
Mike Libby adds watch parts to beetles and other insects, hollowing out their abdomens and adding watch gears, sewing machine parts, and other mechanical items to create a pleasing, sometimes even plausible, clockwork insect sculpture. His site the Insect Lab … Continue reading